Nonprofit Management Training


Student Feedback on Jean's teaching methods:

"Gave thorough explanations based on his experience."

"Very colloquial, making it easy to understand complex information."

"Had terrific student interaction."



What students say when asked "How do you plan to utilize or apply the information and skills you have learned today?"

"I've learned how to apply more detailed management to my programs"

"I plan to start gathering information on other similar nonprofits to research and decide what and how to do the next steps."

"After the certificate is completed, find a job!!"

"I will determine what my start up nonprofit will be."

"I will apply the knowledge to help with my research on starting my organization. I will also incorporate the knowledge as the Chair for and Advisory Board and Advisors for an Alumni Association."

"I will use this information to improve my position at my workplace."

"I will use this information to do more research to establish my organization."




Introduction to Nonprofit Management - Online Course
Fall 2018 TBA
Time: 11:00 am - 1:00 PM EST

Would you like to gain a basic understanding of nonprofit management? Have you identified a need in your community and would like to establish a nonprofit organization to address this need? Starting, growing and managing a nonprofit requires specific knowledge and skills. Learn how to assess community need, compare for profit and nonprofit entities, and the steps to establish a nonprofit. Board of Directors, public accountability, and fiscal responsibility are also covered.


This course is designed to provide participants with an introduction to the nonprofit management sector. Goals and outcomes for class participants:

  • Understand the comparison between For-profit and Nonprofit Corporations
  • Review different types of non-profits and their purpose
  • Understand public accountability to the community being served
  • How to create organizational leadership
  • Managing Fundraising/Fiscal Responsibility

Course Outline:

  • Why we need a non-profit sector
  • The history and scope of the non-profit sector
  • The difference between a corporation and a Nonprofit
  • What is the purpose of the Non-profit
  • Fiscal sponsorship option vs. creating a nonprofit
  • Steps to creating a Nonprofit
  • Governance and public accountability
  • Obtaining the necessary resources

INSTRUCTOR:  Jean Pierre-Louis, MPH, Founder and Executive Director of CapraCare, Inc.  (click here for instructor bio)

To register for this webinar, click "register today" and fill out the Contact VMG form. Where it says "Please type your inquiry" enter the text "NPO webinar". After you fill out the form, you will be sent a meeting invitation email from Webex with instructions on how to access the live webinar.
Register Today

Have questions?
Give us a call at 917-829-8344 


What students say when asked "How has this class benefited you the most?"

"I now understand the basics and principles of a nonprofit organization"

"It gave me some great ideas on planning the beginning stages."

"It gave me an idea of what I would like to do in the future."



About VMG
Volunteer Management Group (VMG) is a consultancy providing companies and non-profits with project management, training and consulting services for nonprofit management, volunteer management, grant writing and corporate philanthropy programs. VMG offers training programs in nonprofit management, grant writing, volunteer management and corporate philanthropy, hosts conferences and presents workshops on these topics. VMG coordinates large-scale fundraising events and volunteer fairs raising millions of dollars and bringing in volunteers for hundreds of charities in New York City and nationwide.

















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