
Payment Methods




Payment Methods Payment instructions are also detailed on the registration form.

Payment is accepted with personal or company check, PayPal or credit card. Recommended payment is through Paypal which handles all our registration transactions. You do not need a Paypal Account to pay online. To pay online, click the "Add to Cart" link for the respective item you are registering for. You will be directed to the PayPal payment page where you have the option to pay using your PayPal account or pay using a debit or credit card. Follow the directions here and you can pay using a major credit card or debit card.(Mastercard, Visa, Discover, American Express). In addition, following is a list of various methods you can choose from to make payment. If you have questions, please contact VMG at 917-829-8344.


Pay online using "Add to cart" buttons on the VMG web page for the item you are registering for.

Credit Card

Fill out credit card information in registration form for VMG to run the card or use "Add to cart" buttons" on the VMG web page for item you are registering for in order to pay online.


Fax, email or mail registration form to be invoiced by VMG. If you are registering for a class, payment in full due prior to first class.


Make personal or company check payable to Volunteer Management Group and mail to mailing address on course registration form.